Posts Tagged ‘news’

Argentine Berlocq

Wednesday, September 4th, 2013

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There were viewers who felt cheated. Hey!, one shouted after seeing him dismissing the Argentine Berlocq in the second round 6-0, 6-0 and 6-2 to Novak Djokovic. Give me your racket to me go home happy! I paid $100 for the entry and you haven’t played or an hour and a half. The voice of this amateur was the aria of the soloist among the chorus of followers who have felt that same during 2011. In 2010, Nole only managed a 6-0. So far in 2011, it takes eleven. That is a tremendous brand.

In the 21st century, only the magical 2006 Roger Federer, with 18 doughnuts, resists the comparison. Rafael Nadal, who won in the second round by 6-2, 6-2, and withdrawal of French Mahut, won 11 in 2008 but Djokovic remaining months to overcome him. In New York have already you a nickname: the butcher. Just the opposite of the Spanish: A diesel, they say in their team. Source of the news:: A diesel and a butcher

Life Coaching People

Wednesday, August 7th, 2013

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They are fighting to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. people with self-esteem are authentic, there is congruence between what they say, think and made. people with self-esteem know ask apologize and admit when they are wrong. people with self-esteem believe itself themselves, they are constantly autoafirmando, know that they can learn, have a positive attitude and openness to life. people with self-esteem are optimistic. people with self-esteem are realists.

people with self-esteem are sensitive to others and their problems. people with self-esteem do not feel victims powerless of the world that surrounds them. They have the capability of venturing in and out of your zone of comfort. people with self-esteem recognize your fears, accept them, integrate and free, to propel itself forward in pursuit of new dreams. people with self-esteem seek inside to try to understand what is happening to your around, i.e. who understand that the circumstances do not create manthey reveal. people with esteem are empathic, i.e. are people who can and know put in the shoes of the other, really involved in the world of the other, which does not want to say that sympathize or agree with that, but really.

comprise people with self-esteem maintain visual contact with the other or others when they communicate, and have a stance balanced and relaxed in your body, from her head to her feet, as a result of its harmony and congruence inside. Finally and not so be the least important pointa person with self-esteem has the courage and the courage to say what he feels, even when expressing her self internal means to go through the pain of disapproval, rupture, and to be condemned or poorly interpreted, by people who are really important for her, but definitely do not negotiate with their dignity and personal integrity, because it has no price. people with high self-esteem only establish personal and labor relations where the norm is to win – win or not There are treatment. people with self-esteem constantly autoafirman, through incorporate into your inner world that is entitled to be, making mistakes, and a fresh start, he has faith in the process, and they know that it is good.


Thursday, August 1st, 2013

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Proposal for literary analysis: analysis of the characters in this article proposes an approach to analyze the characters in a literary narrative in written form. We must, first, determine which is the protagonist (or actors) of the work and what are the secondary characters. It can also be taken into account if there is an antagonist, and appear different types of characters, for example: round (with several facets, with many features or qualities, complexes, complete), drawings (characters type, archetype or prototype; with a single feature, without complexity; are built around an idea or a single passion) and functional (those who do not are characterized). 1 Character analysis of the protagonist of a work can be done, as well as the analysis of other topics, in different ways. We suggest the following schema. Each sub-theme should be done in a paragraph and all the ideas must be supported. 1.1 Physical characterization to physically describe the protagonist according to the features that the author gives us through the work if there is no physical description in the work, must build a description based on the actions and way of being of the character. We must sustain our judgments.

1.2 Characterization psychological is the spiritual, moral, psychological; description feelings, passions, values, etc. are taken into account Each attribute must be supported by actions or way of being or think of the character. 1.3 Actions briefly narrated the actions that the character performs. To develop this topic, respond to the question: what did you do? We consider above all the central action and based on that action we analyze the issues remaining: motives, purposes, means and consequences. 1.4 Reasons or moving the reasons are causes, forces or springs that drive a character to act. The reasons that determine the behavior of a character are varied and complex. They include aspects biological, philosophical, psychological, spiritual, emotional and rational; factors pertaining to the physical or social environment, even as remote as the destination and external forces.

Bandits Lagoons Beautiful

Wednesday, June 19th, 2013

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Mendocino General Alvear Department is part, along with San Rafael and Malargue, of the so-called southern tourist area of the province. Desert beauty contrasts with the snowy landscapes that captivates visitors from all over the world to spend, each year, a holiday in Mendoza. But with its unusual and distinct charm, General Alvear seduces and catches also. The distribution of their ancient populations is living testimony of the will of the man’s face and overcome the desert. Birthplace of the largest in the province, General Alvear livestock shelters some of the oldest buildings in the region. The Atuel River marks their passage through the zone, here become a course of freshwater and manso. Lots of Lakes alternate with the desert landscape, giving away huge and serene beauty landscapes where the fauna and flora, grateful for the blessing of the water, burst into colors and rumors.

The small hamlets induce in Alvear to enter into another dimension of time, very different from the frenzy of big cities. Here, life is slowly, taste with the simplicity and sobriety dictated by the austere landscape of the desert. It is worth find the cool gloom of the oldest bars to recreate with stories and anecdotes of their settlers. Or simply enjoy the pleasure of touring, slowly and without trouble, every corner of these oases of calm, so full of stories. General Alvear came to an end the adventures of the legendary Bandito Juan Bautista Humanos, Robin Hood of the pampas. Revered and protected by the most humble, the product of their robberies, tirelessly pursued by the police for more than 10 years, slippery like few others, he shared with them Humanos fell down finally in General Alvear on September 14, 1941. There stands his grave, to which every year countless pilgrims that evoke their generosity and protection come. Even today, in the bars in the area, locals are willing to recount the exploits of the mythical character.

Some, including, will claim his grandparents protected it in any of its permanent fleeing justice. And the romantic figure of this hero at the margin of the law will be present, for a moment, in one of those moments out of time offered by the magic of General Alvear. For those who believe that the holidays in Mendoza were snow, and nothing more. Original author and source of the article.