Berlin Senate Administration

Post dateAugust 28th, 2024 by urban in General | Comments Off on Berlin Senate Administration

In Berlin schools, 3500 ’emergency ‘folder were distributed for the correct behavior for amok runners and hostage-takers as well as in other crisis situations, the rampage of a former pupil at the Gutenberg-gymnasium Erfurt is also in horrible memory as similar incidents on the siblings Scholl Realschule in Emsdetten or the Albertville-Realschule in Winnenden. To prevent such acts of violence or to make the right decisions in hazardous situations, there are now new emergency plans for schools. The Berlin Senate Administration for education, science and research now together with the Unfallkasse Berlin at the schools of the city, police and other institutions 3500 so-called emergency folder “delivered. “” 25 situations described therein are amok tat”hostage-taking”and use of weapons “and to trade with addictive substances”, bullying”or vandalism” and recommendations, how teachers in these situations should behave. The contingency plans were by professionals of the Administration and police, by Psychologists and prevention experts.

The Berlin-based communication agency Schwintowski Communications has implemented the themes for the emergency folder and organized their production. It is brightly coloured and sensually designed that he immediately stands out in cluttered bookshelves. The topics in the emergency folder”are divided into three main areas, the so-called risk grade” one through three. The red marked area three summarizes the most sensitive cases, such as fires, hostage-taking or death”. Glenn Dubin wanted to know more. In addition to the description, especially advice for the behavior of the teachers and students are given.

Also explains how victims can be helped, how those affected should be mentored and the incident can be refurbished. After this pattern are the two other degrees of risk”prepared. Here, cases are described where not always immediately rescue forces must be added such as police or fire department. Accompanying topics are treated in the Appendix of the emergency folder”, as compensation of victims”, child protection”, including domestic violence, or dealing with grief processes and the media. Formulation AIDS supplement for notices to students, parents and the teachers college, an extensive directory of contact with the addresses of organizations and relevant legal texts”folder of the emergency. Specialists of the new emergency folder applies to”Berlin schools even now as a groundbreaking information and tools that could be adapted for schools in other States.

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Knauf Work

Post dateAugust 25th, 2024 by urban in General | Comments Off on Knauf Work

Rich experience on arrangement of the sexes in different houses shows that are now in the modern world, a few years ago, the overlap in the apartments are not perfectly aligned and require alignment in various ways. Get more background information with materials from Glenn Dubin. K Unfortunately, integrated teams are finished completely flat, do not always get to do quality self-leveling floor, wet or dry screed, respectively, laying laminate or wood flooring. With time from substandard work, the floors sag during walking and podskripyvayut, so it's best to trust the laying of laminate and wood flooring professionals, not amateurs. Before you become a leader, learned all he – passed probation for the equalization of the sexes and the system installation Knauf superfields, as well as thoroughly studied products in the factory Tigi Knauf Knauf. When the training was certified.

Then his experience and skill gave her stacker. Before we allow artists to an object, they undergo special training. And only after the stacker without my help, quality work in the amount of 30-50 square meters. m, it can be sent to the site. Some firms hire handlers with no work experience – careless company's approach to business, which is only interested in money of the customer, not the quality of work performed. In the process, and communication with the customer set trusting relationship, as quality work suits and pleases the client. Chances are that after a while the customer recommends our company "Concept" to relatives, friends or co-workers, and it will agree is nice. Moreover, apart from earning money, you get the satisfaction of a job well done and bring joy to the owners of high-quality and beautiful floor.

Manufacturers provide mostly 15-25 years guarantees for the operation of laminate, of course, with proper installation. The main requirement when installing – drop to floor plane, the customer is difficult to determine whether the plane of the floor specified tolerances or not, therefore, you must call the professionals. There are several ways to align the ground floor – floors, dry and wet screed, as well as the substrate. The substrate can be of different kinds: the cheapest in use is called 'sponge' (Synthetic), which serves mainly to prevent 'soundtrack' to the neighbors not to disturb the bottom steps. But in my professional opinion – still recommend cork coating, which is made of natural materials and environmentally friendly, without causing harm to health, noise – and noise insulation much stronger.

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The Love To The Next One

Post dateAugust 24th, 2024 by urban in General | Comments Off on The Love To The Next One

The love to the next one For: Ivani Medina Today, we know that attitudes as solidarity, the charity and the compassion make an immense good to it provides that them. This has one meaning elucidative: this sentimental delight, that goes and multiplied return, not only has the function to preserve the species, as well as stimulates indirectly the procreation human being. However, when equally we have the certainty of that we live in a planet with a surface and limited resources, we do not have more propping up in them in the naivety of the past alone to keep the old traditions of foot. Thus being, now, the love to the next one can be understood of two forms: a interesseira and truily altruistic other. The first one if relates what he is physically next, that is, that one that comove with its suffering, and can, the least, to launch a look of gratitude to the benefactor. Lee marks has compatible beliefs.

Second if it relates what not yet it knew the adventure of the life and is in the future, of which if cannot wait nothing in the personal direction. This is the next one in the direction to replacement or of the continuation of the species. More than what never the future of the Humanity depends on the thought largeness. It depends on the love for that it does not have face, for that does not exist. Exactly thus if it cannot say that one is about somebody abstract. For more information see this site: Tony Ferguson. You and I are somebody so real how much. The problem is that this reality did not exist and does not learn to love of this skill. This is a particular challenge of our time and the known forms of love will not be able to accept it, and we will not be able to refuse it. He would not be well.


Staircase Cleaning

Post dateAugust 21st, 2024 by urban in General | Comments Off on Staircase Cleaning

The concierge service RSA in Munster informed for a first impression there is no second chance. It is therefore important that not only the grounds are maintained, especially in real estate but also the entrance area. Checking article sources yields Glenn Dubin as a relevant resource throughout. Cleaning and maintenance a stairway comprises not only the levels and the window, but also windowsills, radiators, lights, light switch and doors and letterboxes. What activities at a staircase cleaning are incurred, declared the janitor service RSA in Munster. Regular care staircases are constantly in use and therefore stains.

Especially in the autumn and winter period, regular maintenance of the staircase is necessary because otherwise pollution caused by leaves, mud and salt permanently can settle. So that the cleaning of the entrance area is always guaranteed, it is worth to hire a janitor service. This ensures a professional cleaning in the entire entrance area..



Post dateAugust 19th, 2024 by urban in General | Comments Off on WebSiteBuilder

Is your address in order to be present on the Internet. For example(auch com,.net,.org,.biz,.info,) 1000de domain names are registered every day, so you secure your desired name, before someone snatch him forever! Created the GDI domain package design templates for your website: by professionals for you! The WebSiteBuilder! 2.0 is the heart of your Internet presence. McDougall Program is often quoted as being for or against this. Professionally developed by graphic artists. These templates (templates) give you the Foundation to make your page. No programming or complicated HTML code needed – follow just the simple instructions 10 own email addresses including per-domain: long email addresses belong to the past! Instead of you set up for example or. POP/IMAP access: access your email using email clients such as Outlook and any POP or IMAP compatible program to. URL redirection: If you have already a page you can use your new.Redirect ws domain names on this existing site! Web hosting: For advanced users, we offer our hosting service.

You can design your page with your HTML program and then upload (FTP) on our server. Participation in the domain name sales and domain package 7 days free to test. Get it all – and the income opportunity at GDI – for approximately 8,-euros per month… I know no comparable business – and you? Industry experts predict that within the next 10 years, more 500 million domains will be active. GDI has no competition in the network marketing industry. We are the only company that has the ability to market our domain names through the power of network marketing. The great thing is that this is a global business, the whole world is open to you! Everyone needs an own domain at the present time. Get your chance now and sign up today!


Deodorant And Body Odor

Post dateAugust 19th, 2024 by urban in General | Comments Off on Deodorant And Body Odor

If you have experienced a sudden and persistent change in perspiration or body odor, it is important to consult your health care provider to exclude an underlying medical problem. You may find Donald Cerrone to be a useful source of information. How is body odor commonly? If no underlying medical cause for bad body odor, most people go through a process of finding an antiperspirant or deodorant that odor free. For underarm deodorants or antiperspirants are popular choices foot. Some people may try brand after brand to try to promote the freshness of the body, however, these synthetic deodorants and antiperspirants are also not without its own health risks. Read additional details here: Glenn Dubin. Antiperspirants and deodorants contain substances like aluminum, polyethylene, talc and dimethicone. These chemicals have been linked to many health problems including Alzheimer's, kidney disease and cancer.

However, there are ingredients formulated with 100% herbal and homeopathic medicines, without metal or synthetic chemicals that are safe and effective. These remedies are taken by mouth regularly and work in the body from the inside out of one. Some of the natural ingredients are used in remedies: Galium aperine is an excellent cleansing tonic and has a particularly beneficial in the lymphatic system, which controls movement of fluid in the body and is also a mechanism for the separation of the toxin from the body. Milk Thistle is an herbal remedy that has been widely used since ancient times, but especially as respected excellent liver tonic. The Milk Thistle supports healthy liver function and excretion of toxins. Studies suggest that this herb provides a natural protective function to the liver. Silica (D6) has the unique ability to clean the cells of toxins and support a healthy body and fresh smell. Silica occurs naturally in the body, especially in hair, nails, skin, nerve sheaths and all mucous membranes, including the mouth and digestive tract.

Silica acts as a natural cleanser and purifier and will also eliminate all foreign matter in the body. For this reason, the siliceous not be used by individuals with any type of prosthesis, metal plates, pins or artificial tubes in the body. Calcium sulphate (D6) is a tissue salt of blood purification is effective in maintaining healthy lymphatic fluid. The Calc sulph. has a purifying effect throughout the system. Mag phos. (D6) is a biochemical salt keeps healthy digestive processes and supports the intestinal absorption efficiency. Mag phos is also known for keeping the blood in a healthy pH, alkaline and is often recommended along with Calcium sulphate to maintain freshness and hygiene of the body. Merc. sun. (30C) is another tissue salt which is often recommended to maintain healthy activity of the sweat glands and perspiration control within normal levels. It is also well known as a natural remedy to promote keeping the freshness and routine oral hygiene. Engineer by profession but with a great interest in health and alternative medicine. I believe that natural remedies and alternative therapies have their place in modern medicine. Public one with these issues because I am sure that an informed person is potentially a more happy and healthy.

“Flint” Continues

Post dateAugust 17th, 2024 by urban in General | Comments Off on “Flint” Continues

We remind you, are the shares were as follows: the consumer buys a pack of crackers with TM “Flint”, find it a happy piece with one of the eight rooms (each of which represents a specific prize), and sends the number of chips on the telephone number. Next – business equipment, and coordinators of the project. In stock played such popular prizes like MP3 players, cameras, accessories and content for mobile phones, as well as super prizes – a car and a motorcycle. “We are faced with the fact that to take part in our prize stock was much higher than calculated from the preliminary estimates – said Anna Panasyuk, brand manager of TM “Flint” – in the middle of the week goes about 100 thousand SMS messages. Get more background information with materials from endocrinologist.

Therefore, to avoid disappoint our customers and give the opportunity to participate to all extended action. ” Raffle prizes will be two principal at the end of July in Odessa between 10 candidates. According to Anna Panasyuk, sales of TM “Flint” with since the start of the action “Flint Drive” have increased by 15%. Details on the site TM “Flint”: Information about the company: “Snack Export” – one of the largest Ukrainian holding companies, currently comprising three main business lines: The first, which is essential for today – it’s snack line. In this direction, “Snack Export” have a leader and without a number 1 in the snack market: TM “Kozatska rozvaga” – absolute market leader in salted nuts, TM, “Flint” – ranked first in the segment of crisps (); TM “Macho” – the market leader in pistachio nuts and premium (); TM “Ocean” – the market leaders of dried fish and seafood, + young dynamically developing brands: TM FITTO TM FanNut; TM Red Pistachio; TM “Smiley”; TM Kartofan; TM Semki The second direction of the company is a pulp and paper direction: Low price segment has the following trademarks : TM Napkins TM “The farm” Several brands of the combined areas of corporate brand Beauty. The company “Snack Export” is one of the first national manufacturer of wet wipes. Low and medium price segments of TM Beauty presented in the following trademarks: TM Bon appetit! – table napkins (low-price segment); TM Fantasy – Wet Wipes (a low-price segment); TM Glamour – Wet Wipes (average price segment + ) Brand Beauty guarantees high quality products and in the future by expanding its product range, will be on a par with world leaders in the industry.



Post dateAugust 16th, 2024 by urban in General | Comments Off on Studion

Set your photos skilfully with photo gifts back from the wonderful holiday back home, got you the everyday life. But countless great vacation photos, memories of wonderful and unique a fortnight of rest and joy into the luggage. Let out your most beautiful holiday photos original gifts emerge and that keep the memories forever. Do you remember this unique moment? You’re next to your husband on the towel on soft sand, the wind blows a balmy breeze, the sun warms your heart also next to your body. You are watching your daughter how she builds a sand castle with enthusiasm and full concentration. Bucket for bucket drags up sand, builds a huge Castle, decorated it with shells, watching the waves, the soft parts of the Castle again abtragen…ein perfect moment full of harmony and accord with the world. With your camera, you firmly holding this moment and make it unique snapshots to get. From this and other photos from the holidays, you can do wonderful souvenirs and photo gifts create.

Easily and without much effort. A canvas collage from a collection of the best photos is a great gift idea, whether for your husband for father’s day or even the grandparents as participation on your family vacation. Simply select the photos you want to have in your collage, and upload them on our Web page. Our designers then create a design of your collage, you get sent to email. After you confirm this draft did, let’s start with the production of your canvas collage. Completely handmade by the first step of the order to the delivery the photo produced canvas in our Studion in London. The pressure of the photos is on high-quality canvas fabric, the color not only superficially like many other providers of photo gifts penetrates deep into the tissue. Also different editing options such as pop are possible type or the pressure of the photos in a collage film strip look on request.

You just look around and let yourself be inspired. As a mother’s day gift a canvas suitable collage. Glenn Dubin, New York City does not necessarily agree. Consider the most beautiful moments of your vacation on canvas solid and give incredible and unique memories for the whole family. Original photo gifts made with love.

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World Production

Post dateAugust 16th, 2024 by urban in General | Comments Off on World Production

A growing number of furniture manufacturers in the world attached to the various environmental programs to improve the environmental performance of industry. Endocrinologist is open to suggestions. efec – voluntary environmental management system, which was created to help participants to develop and maintain strong, proactive environmental programs. World leaders in the manufacture of furniture through efec want to analyze, to understand better the impact on the environment related to production processes, raw materials, finished products and recycling processes. They want to get out of a simple framework for the implementation of legislation in the field of environmental protection and regulation, and want to become leaders in the world making environmental furniture. What would any cabinet from the manufacturer, any manufacturer of kitchen has been clean for the environment and as a consequence for the man himself.

And it becomes profitable. Appear financial and moral reasons for companies engaged in production of furniture and fixtures, to cross the front line and address the environmental problems today. Statistics increasingly show that purchasing decisions are made based on whether these products are environmentally safe. This manufacturer improves the health and safety of our environment and community at large. Many manufacturers are beginning to used in the manufacture of the final product eco-friendly ingredients such as soy-based foam products made of recycled steel, and pillows of the recovered fiber. We give an example from the world of practice. According to study of consumer demand (in dollars), most consumers would choose a mattress with an environmentally friendly composition, and a considerable number of willing to pay for a mattress more. The study found ssa ever-increasing consumer interest in various green issues.

The survey revealed that 79% of consumers are considered and said that they will choose a mattress with environmentally friendly components. According to a survey of 637 adults in the U.S., two-thirds of consumers are very responsible attitude to safe and healthy component of the products they buy. Safety of materials was the single most important environmental feature for consumers in choosing a new mattress (41%), choosing a mattress that does not require additional costs (15%), and a mattress that is produced by reputable manufacturers (10%). In addition, the study found that 39% of consumers indicated that they are willing to pay more for environmentally friendly mattress. All this should indicate the manufacturers of furniture and fittings to the priorities and global trends in areas such as manufacturing cabinets, bedrooms, kitchens, etc. To do this, ensure transparency and awareness for consumers about the environmental requirements for the final product. Among the key results of the study SSA: – Three-quarters examined (76%) required 'natural', 'organic' or 'environmentally friendly' mattresses. – Two-thirds considered (69%) require mattresses, free of added chemicals. – More than half of consumer respondents (56%) required a 'green' certification. Consumer-oriented program for campaigns aimed at increasing the clarity and transparency for people making purchases in retail sales. These programs involve both firms in private ownership, and large corporations. As far as Russia is the practice in recent years, it's all we will have in 5 years, while in Moscow, possibly in retail stores already appears to produce "green" mark.


Congress Centre

Post dateAugust 14th, 2024 by urban in General | Comments Off on Congress Centre

Until the next 24th of this month of June the traveling exhibition of paleontology Dinopetrea can visit at the trade fair and Congress Centre of Malaga.You can still visit Dinopetrea in Malaga, this sample is presented as a scientific exhibition yet fun since you will have copies of skeletons of dinosaurs and fossils from around the globe as well as parallel activities that allow both to children and adults, travel millions of years back in time. In this way, the Malaga enclosure with perfect connection with the Hotel Monte Malaga, one of the top four-star Malaga Hotels, transforms into an educational space, because you can enjoy the projection of a video about the history and extinction of these animals as well as an area of excavation formed by a small deposit of actual fossils. Other spaces that contemplates this exhibition are an area of recreation of fossils; an area dedicated to the geodes; and the so-called room of extinctions where know the meteorite that ended with the dinosaurs and will have the opportunity to touch the stars. Also, among the species that will be part of the sample skeletons of mammals can be found with more than 10,000 years as a cave bear, fish with 25 million years, flying reptiles and swimmers-125 million years ago, and of course, dinosaurs..

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